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Know More. Grow More. Webinar Series

Fungicide Trials and Crop Protection Tools

June 9, 2021 | 9 am MST / 11 am EST

In this month’s webinar, Troy and Andrew will be showing you how Climate FieldView’s crop protection scripting tools can assist you with your fungicide application this season! You will learn how you can get the most out of your data, how to appropriately set up your sprayer in the Cab app and also review some real world scenarios using FieldView.

Special guest Mat Vercaigne, Field Product Specialist, joins the team and shares how crop protection scripting and fungicide trials can help farmers Know More and Grow More.

Upcoming Webinar

Pre-Harvest Checklist & Field Health Imagery. Hosted by Andrew Elgersma and Troy Prosofsky.

Pre-Harvest Checklist & Field Health Imagery

July 14, 2021 | 9am MST / 11am EST

Our upcoming webinar is all about prioritizing your pre-harvest checklist with Climate FieldView. Tune in to learn how you can prepare ahead of time with FieldView to make this harvest more efficient.

View Our Previous Webinars

Scouting & Field Health Imagery. Hosted by Andrew Elgersma and Troy Prosofsky.

Scouting & Field Health Imagery

May 12, 2021

This month’s webinar focused on the ways in which FieldView’s Field Health Imagery can give you a new perspective on your fields. Host Andrew Elgersma shared an example from his own fields and showed how much of an impact this feature had on his own farm.

Troy and Andrew then welcomed agronomist Jimmi-Lee Jackson for a quick Q&A on how FieldView helps her communicate with the farmers she interacts with on a daily basis.

Setting up Trials and Prescriptions. Hosted by Andria Karstens.

Setting up Trials and Prescriptions

April 14, 2021

This webinar reviews how to set up trials on the farm for this season. The Climate FieldView™ Field Product Specialist, Andria Karstens, gives you a glimpse into trial set up and execution. This session discusses planning, sharing, and executing trials for the 2021 season with a focus on: hybrid, population, fertilizer, seed treatment, FieldView SeedScripts, and custom map applications.

Know More. Grow More. Hosted by Andrew Elgersma and Troy Prosofsky.

Setting Up Your Virtual Farm

March 10, 2021

The first in our new Know More. Grow More. Webinar Series, our March webinar will focuses on helping you set up your virtual farm to get ready for the season ahead. We’ll show you all the tips and tricks to make sure you’re capturing the right data.