Better data.
Better decisions.
Better outcomes.

FieldView Drive 2.0
Drive Early, Save More

Order your FieldView Drive 2.0 before
March 21st to take advantage of the early
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Digital farming’s leading software platform that turns your field data into insights
Each farm is different. Every field is unique. Use FieldView™ year round to make data driven decisions to maximize your return on every acre. We’re your data partner to seamlessly collect, store, and visualize critical field data, monitor and measure the impact of your agronomic decisions on crop performance, and manage your field variability by building customized fertility and seeding plans for your fields to optimize yield and maximize profit.
Get Your Data in One Place

Get all your data in one place with compatibility across many equipment types, makes and models, and connectivity to multiple farm management software systems. FieldView helps you easily collect, store and view field data for more of the inputs you manage through the season.

Data Connectivity

Collect and store data on your field with your equipment of choice using the FieldView™ Drive, or Precision Planting 20/20 SeedSense and YieldSense monitors. You can also upload data seamlessly from flash drives or other systems. Share your operation’s data with your agronomic partners, making it easy for them to provide informed recommendations.

Data Visualization

Monitor your progress and spot potential issues in real time as you pass through the field, tracking seed population rate at planting, application rates during growing season, and yield at harvest, so you can get the most out of every crop.

Get Your Data in One Place
Uncover Valuable Field Insights

Uncover valuable insights year-round with tools that help you analyze crop performance at the field level or by field zone, essentially making every field a potential test plot.

Crop Performance Analysis

Analyze yield by seed type, soil, field or custom zone immediately after harvest, so you can see what worked and what didn’t. Easily share with your agronomic partners to start planning for next season. Compare critical data layers such as soil maps, application rate and seed population to yield to make more informed decisions.

Field Health Imagery

Find out what’s happening beyond the end rows with consistent, high-quality imagery that can help you identify issues early, prioritize scouting and take action to protect yield. Save valuable time with electronic and print options to share with agronomic partners.

Uncover Valuable Field Insights
Optimize Your Inputs

Optimize inputs to maximize yield and profitability on every acre with variable rate seeding prescription tools, fertility scripting tools and crop protection scripting tools.

Variable Rate Prescriptions

With all your data in one place, it’s easy to build prescriptions. FieldView seed scripts are powered by scientific models, along with your field data, to optimize your investment. You can also use our manual prescription tools to save time and improve productivity.

Fertility & Crop Protection

Build a customized fertility plan to get the most out of your field variability with easy-to-use manual fertility prescription tools. Quickly address changing crop conditions in season with variable rate crop protection scripts. You can use multiple map layers, such as field-level satellite imagery, to identify management zones.

Optimize Your Inputs

Our Data Privacy Principles Put You in the Driver’s Seat.

We know you care about how your data is used. And we do, too. That’s why when you use FieldView, you can feel confident that our commitment to data privacy ensures that you own your data, we do not sell your data, and you control how your data is shared.

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What farmers are saying

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Meet Dave

From Ontario

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Meet Taya

From Alberta

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Meet Keenan

From Saskatchewan