Climate FieldView™ + Conservis

April 22, 2021

Two people shaking hands in a farmer’s field.

Welcome back to Partner Profiles, our series of quick and informative close-ups of the companies we work with to help improve the lives of farmers across the country. Today, we’d like to introduce you to Conservis, the company behind the leading farm management software system of the same name that provides unparalleled support to Canadian farmers. Read along as we ask a few questions about what makes Conservis special.

How did Conservis start?

Conservis’ farm management software was founded in 2009, after a group of growers approached us at an ag conference. The farmers were fed up and having a heck of a time with harvest. There were numerous trucks in multiple fields running to many destinations. Spreadsheets, hand-written records, and receipts were piling up. Trying to manage all these moving parts, from scheduling and grain tracking to input splits and reconciling payments was out of control.

There was no farm management software system that was designed to track field activities, communicate work orders, manage inventory, understand costs, and analyze yields. We changed that.

How long have you been a partner?

Conservis has been working with the Climate FieldView platform since 2017.

What does Conservis offer and how does it help farmers?

Our system combines comprehensive planning and real-time data gathering with a dynamic management and reporting platform. In other words, we:

  • Plan the work
  • Communicate work orders
  • Track field activity
  • Manage inventory
  • Analyze yield with input costs
  • Pinpoint your true cost of production

Ultimately, we are dedicated to advancing the business of agriculture in partnership with growers on the ground.

What is the value to farmers in this partnership?

Together, Climate FieldView and Conservis mean business. Leveraging machine integration, you can choose to have your as-applied and yield data automatically transferred into Conservis. Conservis then marries your as-applied data with your input costs, to help bring your farm data together. With all your activity records aligned with input costs, you can decide to share reports with landowners, regulators, lenders, and trusted advisors using data directly from the field at any point in the season. Whether you choose to share your farm’s data with others is always up to you (like Climate FieldView, at Conservis, you own your data). Understanding your true cost, including profit per bushel and per acre will help ensure you make informed decisions that yield higher ROI. Gain valuable insights into all aspects of the operation including crop plans, inventory management, land ownership and financials. Powered by your own Climate FieldView data, Conservis’ Zone Economics empowers you to evaluate and measure field and activity performance using side-by-side comparisons. This tool enables you to see everything that happened on any field zone in a single view.

Is there anything else you want readers to know?


A big differentiator for us is our Financial Management suite, allowing growers to get a full financial picture of their operations. While we partnered with Rabo AgriFinance to build the technology, the tools can be used with any lender. With Conservis, you own your own data and choose if and when to share.

Ultimately, we believe farmers belong in a position of power. We’ve made it our purpose to simplify and streamline the producer’s world by bringing all their data into one place.

How can a farmer learn more about you?

To find out more about Conservis, you can visit

Or check out this why Conservis video to understand what we do.