Understanding performance is all in the details
September 11, 2024
Farmers rely on Field Region Reports (FRR) to track the performance on their farms. By collecting data throughout the season, it is possible to measure the impact of the inputs used including seed, crop protection and fertility products. At the end of the season, FRR acts as a performance report that assesses the effectiveness of different agronomic practices.
Discover the power of Field Region Reports by Application
Have you ever wanted an easier way to identify the performance of the products you use on your farm? Have you wondered if a blanket application of a product is a good use of your budget?
Thankfully, those answers are much easier to find. Say hello to Field Region Reports by Application, the tool that delivers an even more in-depth look into your performance data.
The numbers can really add up
With FRR by Application, you can analyze crop protection and fertility treatments with yield data to evaluate and identify the best-performing products and practices on your farm. You can also analyze yield by tank-mix, as well as treated versus untreated areas of the field.
With this digital tool, you’ll gain a very thorough understanding of what’s happening across all your acres, knowing where to spend your dollars and where to hold back. This information will certainly be useful when it comes to manual scripting for crop protection. Find out more about manual scripting in our blog here.
FieldView is still so easy to use
FieldView™ makes it easy to analyze any field. From the overview screen on your tablet or phone, select the field tab. There you’ll see your list of fields – where you can select a field to create a field region report.
From the dropdown, you can select the application layer, and draw a field region. This will generate a FRR for that area which will have similar information to previous iterations of FRR, but will allow you to see application data listed within the report. By clicking on one of the applications made within the field, you can view the average yield, you can view the average yield for the area where crop protection was applied and the average yield for the untreated area.

At a glance
FRR by Application can change the way you farm, in a good way, with a deeper understanding of how your crop protection and fertility decisions are impacting profitability. Come harvest time, you’ll know if your decisions are sound, or whether they need tweaking. That’s all just a click away with the FRR Application feature from FieldView.
Watch our short YouTube video on how to use FRR by Application.
Get even more in-depth data with the newest feature of Field Region Reports
Field Region Reports by Application Rate is a powerful addition to the Field Region Reports series. It lets you compare your yields by the application rates of your inputs. This makes analyzing your variable rate fertility applications a breeze since all inputs must follow label directions. With this data, growers can also create ON/OFF prescriptions to truly optimize inputs. This can have a positive financial impact at the end of the season and help make more informed decisions going forward.