FieldView™ Cab Chats - End of the year compilation
December 9, 2021
We can hardly believe it, but we’ve come to the final Cab Chat episode of 2021! From coast to coast, what a year it’s been. We want to thank you for joining us in the cab as we’ve talked with farmers across the country about day-to-day farming, the ag industry and how Climate FieldView is helping them maximize yields acre after acre.
To celebrate the year that was, we thought we’d do something a little different. Rather than a single interview, we’ve compiled clips from all the Cab Chats we’ve hosted in 2021. Specifically, we’ve compiled answers to the two questions our FieldView reps asked most often:
- What is your favourite feature of Climate FieldView?
- What is your biggest piece of advice to farmers first starting with Climate FieldView?
From capturing crop data to marking field details with the pin dropping tool, or taking your time to learn the FieldView platform, their answers were varied to say the least! Now, let’s hit play, sit back and hear what they had to say. From all of us at FieldView, thanks again for a great year.