RemoteView sets up your season for success
June 1, 2022
Ever wanted to see exactly what’s on your in-cab monitor, even when you’re at a desk in your home office? Ever had a problem while in the cab and wanted to share your screen with an advisor to get some help?
These are just a couple of the ways the RemoteView feature of FieldView brings enhanced access and versatility to your set-up. It puts you and your team in the driver’s seat, from anywhere, unlocking new opportunities to boost monitoring, efficiency and results.
“RemoteView is a real game changer for enhancing the user experience with FieldView,” says farmer Shawn Jacula. “It puts you in the cab from anywhere. And vice versa, it allows you to share that in cab view with any team member or advisor you want to have access.”
Jacula is active in several businesses in addition to farming, including owning and operating his own real estate brokerage. But with RemoteView, he can easily check-in on the latest real time FieldView activity and data at any time. “It’s something that really helps me maintain my efficiency with multiple irons in the fire.”
Jacula and his family farm just northwest of Vermilion, Alberta, growing grains, oil seeds and pulses – at various times typically wheat, barley, peas and canola. They have one full time employee, along with seasonal staff and a network of advisors as required. He has used FieldView including the RemoteView feature for one full season and plans to do so again this year and moving forward – accessing his in cab view and system connectivity from anywhere and also sharing this with various team members as needed.
“I spent quite a bit of time looking at various digital farming systems and platforms before choosing FieldView,” he says. “What attracted me was the advantage it has for connecting and sharing data with multiple brands of equipment and machinery, to get all of the data integrated and in one place. Now that I’ve used it, that advantage has proven true, but another top benefit has been the ability to use RemoteView. It has really worked excellent for us. It’s very easy to use and is like being in the driver’s seat from wherever you are.”

Jacula has used a number of capabilities and applications of FieldView and is planning to get more into using the platform to run on-farm field trials. Having access to data from anywhere has greatly simplified farm management and information sharing to make all possibilities easy to execute and monitor. “Instant access to data and records from anywhere is a huge benefit,” says Jacula. “I've now become accustomed that if there’s anything I want to know I can just look at the app or use RemoteView. For record keeping, I used to keep everything in a binder or on a spreadsheet. Now it’s all digital on the platform. It has saved a lot of manpower, made things easier and opened the door to options like field trials that are adding a lot of value to our operation.”
Peace of mind is greatly enhanced for Jacula when he knows he can quickly check on things anytime. He uses the platform and the RemoteView feature throughout the growing season to monitor all of the key farm activity.
“You see the benefits all the time but for me I would say especially during harvest when things are real busy and you’re running multiple machines. For example, it’s a quick check to see the yields coming off the fields, make sure everything is going in the right bins, and to communicate and share information quickly with different people running different equipment. RemoteView access is not just convenient, it has really transformed what we can do and how well we can do it.”
A lot of little advantages rise to the surface that growers might not think of at first, he says. For example, there’s less dependence on people being available to talk. “It also works as a quick safety check that everything is running as it should.” As the main decision-maker for the farm, it allows Jacula to see exactly what’s going on, share information as needed, and give directives o keep everything moving at the right times for the best results.
“At harvest for example, sometimes people that are in the cab at the combine aren't the ones that make the decisions on if we should go or not go. RemoteView allows me just to monitor and verify numbers as they go through the through the field or different areas of the field. It’s one of those things where the more you use it, the more benefits you see. It really sets up your season for success.”
Check out our Knowledge Centre to see how Remote View works with the FieldView Cap App