What do I do with my data, now that I’ve got it?

September 23, 2021

Two female farmers standing in the field looking at a field data report in Climate FieldView app on a tablet PC.

It’s been a season.

You’ve done your due diligence.

You’ve used Climate FieldViewTM to collect all sorts of field data—from seed varieties and inputs, to hybrids, fungicide and pesticide volumes per acre, soil conditions, rain levels, you name it. 

Now the big questions. What to do with it all? How can you wade through acres of field data and turn it into workable chunks you can use to guide your steps in the upcoming season? What tools are out there to help you use that data and maximize your output per acre, and generate the kind of ROI that’ll put a smile on every face around the kitchen table?

Fortunately, thanks to the strength and breadth of our Climate FieldView partners, we’ve got answers for you. In fact, a large part of what makes FieldView such an amazing tool to begin with, are the many partners that bring a wealth of innovative technologies to the table. Let’s examine a couple of offerings that can go a long way to helping you make sense of it all.

Turning data into money: Profit-mapping

Ag-Analytics, a FieldView partner since 2019, offers an incredible tool for optimizing field data, known as Profit Layers®. This innovative FieldView add-on uses direct data integration to migrate field mapping data directly into an analytics platform you can use to break down all sorts of variables—hybrid types, spray operation, soil types and more.

For farmers, the insights they gain from using Profit Layers® can be used to pinpoint trends and grow their profits, year over year. It can also offer an added layer of visibility into field-level profits, including location-based profits per acre, that can be used to drive smarter decision-making and more substantial ROI.

Managing your every move: Farm management software

Another great way to ensure all the data you collect goes to good use, is to harness the power of a farm management software package. Here again, another FieldView partner, Conservis, fits the bill. The Conservis platform combines comprehensive planning and real-time data gathering with a dynamic management and reporting platform. Farmers can use the system to plan work that needs to be done, track field activity, even manage inventory of field inputs and analyze yield against the cost of those same inputs.

Once tracked and analyzed, farmers can then generate reports that can be shared with everyone from landowners to regulators, lenders and trusted advisors. (Those smiling faces around the kitchen table.) You can even use the tool to generate what’s known as Conservis Zone Economics to evaluate and get the real dirt on field activity by making side-by-side field zone comparisons. Smart stuff.

Make no mistake, collecting field data with Climate FieldView is important, and can make a real difference to the way you farm. What’s equally important however is what you do with all that info you collect. To learn even more about the innovative ways Climate FieldView partners can help you turn data into dollars, check out  https://climatefieldview.ca/partners.

Here’s to a great season.