Man in cab using FieldView on a screen. Man in cab using FieldView on a screen. Man in cab using FieldView on a screen.

FieldView Fungicide Scripting: Spray Smarter.

June 20, 2023

The variability in your field can have you wondering if spraying an entire field with fungicide is necessary. FieldView™ has the answers. Those who already use FieldView are familiar with its leading-edge features – like fungicide scripting. You can optimize your inputs and glean insights from real-time data with the efficiency of fungicide on-off scripting using the Manual Crop Protection Prescription tool in FieldView. Want a FieldView representative to create a script for you? Simply try our Premium services.

Hear what Micah Peterson has to say about fungicide scripting on his farm.


Even if you’re new to the Manual Crop Protection Prescription tool in FieldView, we make it simple to get started. Be more efficient by optimizing your inputs and maximizing your ROI potential when you create an on-off fungicide script to help you plan your spraying application where your crop will likely benefit the most, and not spraying where it won’t.

Three Steps to Smarter Spraying:

1. Script

  • View your field and assess the biomass areas with Field Health Imagery in FieldView
  • Use Field Health Imagery to help identify which areas are more likely to be under disease pressure
  • Create an on-off script, targeting areas at higher risk of yield damage from disease

Examples of Fieldview Fungicide scripting screens that show how Field Health imagery lets you create a script with ease.
2. Spray

  • By creating “on” scripts for high biomass zones, you target your application to where it will likely have the most impact – and a higher potential return on investment

An example of an on/off application map that allows you to spray only where it counts
3. Validate with yield analysis tools

  • After harvest, you can evaluate and validate your in-crop decisions using Yield Analysis tools in FieldView. Measure the results of your specific scripts, and evaluate the impact of other management practices, too

An example of a yield map where you can validate your results.


Apply fungicides only to areas more likely to benefit from the application. Lower biomass areas of a field may not be susceptible to disease.

Start using FieldView in your sprayer today.


FieldView is offering Premium Services, including Built-by-Bayer Crop Protection Prescriptions. This service allows you to take advantage of on-off fungicide spraying without having to create the script yourself. With this service, a FieldView representative will create the script for you using the Manual Scripting Tool in FieldView, freeing up your time. You can then choose to run that on-off script based upon your field conditions, weather, and crop staging. FieldView Premium Services – helping you get more out of your subscription.

Learn how you can get more out of your subscription by visiting


Plan and track fungicide applications throughout the season with FieldView and get unbeatable protection from Canada’s fungicide experts at Bayer. Control a variety of key diseases across a wide range of crops essential to the Canadian crop production industry. You can be sure you’re getting the activity you need to protect crop quality and maximize yield potential, no matter what crop you are growing.

Learn more about the broad fungicide portfolio from Bayer for the broadest disease control.