Flexibility In The Field: Addressing Issues Before They Impact Yield

by Keely Roth, PhD, Sr. Remote Sensing Scientist, The Climate Corporation

June 7, 2017

If you’re like most farmers, growing season will be a busy, and potentially stressful, time of year. As your crops make their way out of the ground and continue to grow toward maturity, you’re working hard to get the most from your fields. There’s a lot to keep your eye on: the weather, plant health, changing soil conditions, and pest and disease pressure. While some of these things are beyond your control, you can still remain flexible and make the best decisions to reach your yield goals. Access to up-to-date field information will help you monitor potential yield threats across your fields and give you the opportunity to work with your agronomic partners to adjust your crop protection plan and make decisions with confidence.

Here are three tips to help you use Climate FieldView™ tools to your advantage and successfully adapt to inevitable changes throughout the growing season.

  1. Keep the lines of communication open. That means staying in close contact with your agronomic partners to gather valuable insights. With Climate FieldView™, you can share field data for your entire operation, one farm, or single fields with your agronomic partners to help you make these important decisions. Have the information you need at hand to get the most out of these conversations. Learn more now.

  2. Scout for challenges. Continue to identify and address other yield threats with improved field health scouting maps that more precisely identify the lower performing areas in your fields and allow you to compare and prioritize fields with a new low biomass indicator. At this busy time of year, you’re probably scouting from the cab, so as you spot weeds, pests, or flooding, use the app to drop geo-referenced pins with pictures and notes onto your scouting maps. You can share these with your agronomic partners  to save valuable time. For a scouting guide, click here. To learn how to create a scouting pin, click here.

  3. Remember the “Four Rs” for fertility. To give your fields the best possible opportunity for productive yields, create an input management plan based on (1) the right rate, (2) the right time, (3) the right source, and (4) the right place.

Good luck – and good growing!

Invariably, the growing season will present you with challenges. Be ready to take them on! Your ability to identify these issues, stay flexible, and quickly adjust your crop protection plan is vital to your field health. Your Climate FieldView dealer is always available to consult with you regarding your crop protection needs, or feel free to contact the Climate Support Team at (888) 924-7475 or support@climate.com.


About The Author

Keely, who grew up on a farm in central Illinois, works on the Geospatial Research team at TCC analyzing satellite and aerial imagery to provide better in-season field health insights to farmers.