two men in a wheat field analyzing FieldView on an iPad two men in a wheat field analyzing FieldView on an iPad two men in a wheat field analyzing FieldView on an iPad

Sharing FieldView harvest data helps farmers and agronomists work together

August 4, 2022

As a farmer you understand the benefits of thinking long term – how doing the right things today can mean better results further down the road.

This is especially true when it comes to working with your agronomist to make the most of harvest data, says Curt Walker, a man who wears two hats: as a farmer and as an agronomist.

Using FieldView™ to collect harvest data is a great approach, he says. This platform allows you to map, analyze and share information. These features can then help you and your agronomist identify actionable insights to guide the next season’s crop decisions.

“The more you know, the better you grow – it’s that simple,” says Walker, who has a Bachelor of Science in agriculture from the University of Alberta. Walker farms in central Alberta east of Trochu. He consults with growers primarily in the Trochu and Three Hills areas.

“Collecting and analyzing harvest data is especially important because this data represents the culmination of everything that’s been done throughout the growing season. It provides a final report card on what worked and what didn’t, to identify the right adjustments that will support even better results the next year.”

A big advantage of collecting harvest data with FieldView is the seamless sharing of data between farmers and agronomic partners, he points out. “With sharing options enabled, you can both see information in real time as it is collected, and access it anywhere. FieldView keeps you both on the same page with a complete picture of the farm, and the ability to keep engaged and work together remotely anytime from anywhere.”

On his own farm, Walker has used FieldView as an anchor to everything he does. This includes regularly conducting on-farm trials for hybrids and fertility, as well as for a variety of other inputs and factors – such as seed and spray comparisons. FieldView helps him identify the most efficient farm management practices and opportunities for his land. He also regularly monitors Field Health Imagery to gauge progress, help determine where inputs are needed, and quickly respond to any issues that emerge.

Strengthening teamwork between agronomists and farmers

FieldView growers who work with Walker as their agronomist can choose to share information with him. For example, they can give him access to a single field, farm or their entire operation and he can create region reports on their behalf. They can also enable sharing with Walker via RemoteView – so he can have a real-time, in-cab view, even when not physically there, and uncover insights on the go. “These options allow me to get information quickly in real time without having to have anything sent or downloaded.”

That easy access is especially beneficial during busy times such as harvest, he notes. “That’s where FieldView really shines. I don’t need to bother my farmers when they’re busy. I can do everything I need to do remotely, whether it’s monitoring, sharing notes, flagging issues, helping conduct trials or providing recommendations.”

Using harvest data to support farm management

Once harvest data is collected with FieldView, Walker will typically connect with his clients to review and discuss yield analysis. For example, FieldView allows him to provide insights by overlaying maps of production practices and yield results. “That opportunity for instant analysis and conversation is great for collaboration and it gives us a real head start on planning what will work best for the next year.”

Overall, using FieldView to collect harvest data and analyze yield makes the planning process more seamless and effective for both Walker and his clients.

“The information the platform provides helps us improve strategies to achieve benefits such as higher yields and increased efficiency. It has become something we rely upon as an excellent tool to support farm management.”

Learn more about collecting harvest data in FieldView.