This is My Story: Gauthier Mubwa

January 25, 2021

As a young boy in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gauthier Mubwa grew up speaking French, Lingala and a little bit of Swahili, later adding English to his repertoire as well. Little did he know that all these years later he’d also be speaking the language of digital agriculture as a Customer Operations Specialist here at The Climate Corporation, working with Climate FieldView™. “I am responsible for anything to do with account management across Canada. It could be invoices, payments, status of their account. I’m the hub ensuring my team will collaborate with other enabling teams so that things run smoothly with our customers.”

Black and White photo of Gauthier Mubwa

“In late 2020, I helped develop a webinar for our dealers, where we gave a refresher course on navigating through FieldView while supporting customers. I know it doesn’t sound big but we had a significant increase in attendees compared to previous years. There was lots of positive feedback because it helped with all the promotional programs we had going on as well as helping them give proper assistance to their clients.”

Close up of Gauthier Mubwa working at his desk

But that’s not all he was able to do to make the lives of our Canadian FieldView customers just a little bit easier. Gauthier explains it best.

“I am bilingual and we support French speaking customers. Instead of having French-Canadian customers call the 1-888 line, and only being prompted in English, we started having calls routed based on area code so our system would detect a call coming from Quebec and automatically provide French support if needed. This is one of the projects I lead with our engineering team and we were able to start getting calls routed automatically based on area code so that customers would hear options in French. That was a real win for us.”

And while Gauthier loves the work he does, he’s got a good idea where he wants to go next as part of the FieldView family and he’s not afraid to share. “I have a lot of experience working with other teams, and a strong background in marketing. In this role. I’m always jumping into other teams to help so you will see me working with finance, you will see me working with the enablement team, and working with marketing as well just to make sure that my team is aware of communications to make the best experience possible for our users.

Gauthier Mubwa relaxing and playing video games

When Gauthier isn’t helping FieldView customers and dealers you can find him taking long walks to relax, playing video games or listening to the music he grew up around. “Being from Africa I love Afro-beat, and being raised in a Christian family, I listen to gospel music a lot as well. So I would say gospel music 75% of time and 25% Afro-beat.”

Either way, it all adds up to Gauthier giving it a full 100% no matter what he’s doing.